
The Challenge
During an
incident, there is often the need for multiple agencies to communicate in
coordinating an effective response. Many first response and support agencies
have independent and incompatible communication systems, thereby limiting the
ability to communicate. Equipping all potential responders with multiple radios
or with the same system is cost prohibitive and not practical. Establishing
standards not only requires many proven systems to be replaced, but also
discourages technological advances.
The ideal
solution to communications interoperability is to deploy a smart network
platform that will support full interoperability among existing systems. IDEA,
in partnership with Interoperability Technologies, LLC, can provide a network
platform solution that has the following advantages in solving communication
interoperability issues: |

any user on any system can communicate with any other user on any

links any radio to any operating wired or wireless

provides independent local and long-range communication through
HF, VHF, UHF, microwave, and satellite communications

automated ad-hoc conferencing |

maximum performance using a Remote Operations Control Center

full redundancy to avoid failure |

fixed, mobile, and transportable IT platforms
SNAP SHOTS : Homeland Security Planning - Interoperability -
Emergency Exercise Planning - Strategic Business Planning |